Jaime Castro » Alitte About Ms. Castro

Alitte About Ms. Castro

Ms. Castro is a Robstonian who has been with Robstown ISD for six years. She has dedicated her six years of teaching Life Skills. 
Ms. Castro has 4 children two children and 2 boys. She has a Beagle named Hershey.
Ms. Castro's favorite hobbies are reading and listening to music. Her favorite place to eat at is Kikos Mexican Restaurant. Her favorite color is hot pink and her favorite place to shop at is Barnes and Noble and her favorite book is ALL BOOKS!
You might find Ms. Castro eating her favorite snack which is Peanut M&M's. She loves the movie Remember the Titans.
Ms. Castro's birthday is March 26th and if she had a walk up song it would be "Eye of the Tiger."
Three things on Ms. Castro's bucket list are: Skydiving, visiting Australia and going to Disney World. 
Ms. Castro shares with us her favorite quote "It was meant to be."
Ms. Castro wants you to know she loves her job working with all of our kids and San Pedro Fine Arts Academy is happy to have Ms. Castro whose patience is a virtue.